Sunday, June 26, 2011

VBS week

okay i'm going to try really hard to regularly update this blog. I want to a writer so i'd better get writing... anything!

this week I'm teaching the crafts at VBS! I have such fond memories of VBS as a child that I didn't want my kids to miss out.

today we made these really cute chef hats as the theme this week is cooking related. it's only the first day and i'm already exhausted! this is also Cam's first time being in a group w/o me and he did really well! yay!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

birthday x2

oh my poor, poor neglected blog. i'm sorry (if their are any readers left)

So last weekend we had a couple birthdays to celebrate.... and celebrate we did!

more pictures here

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

we're still alive!

it's true... we're all still alive, chicks included!

i'm starting to think we might actually get to the egg laying portion of chick rearing!