Sunday, August 31, 2008

sweet irony

i got an email from Michael Moore this morning and Chris and I couldn't help but laugh. read it if you can, it's a good one! I find it funny that people in the Christian community think it's okay to meddle in politics. isn't there a separation of church and state for a reason?? does it not go both ways? government stays out of religion and religion stays out of government. it just seems a bit rude for a high powered Christian like James Dobson to call upon the God of all to meet his needs. i donno but i think God might be busy with trying to solve the hunger crisis... or something important like that.

shit like this makes me feel like walking away from the title "Christian" is the right thing to do


Anonymous said...

Not all Christians are followers of Dobson, Robertson, and Falwell. Some of us are followers of Jesus.

adiaspeer said...

some. true.