Monday, November 17, 2008

just a little bit of Christmas

i tried to stop them, but Father Christmas turned our sweet 3 year old into his little elf. together they convinced me it would be a good idea to put up a little Christmas tree in Mayden's bedroom early. i am normally very avid that we do not start celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving. maybe it was the way her eyes lit up or all the jumping that accompanied the begging... i donno, but i lost all reason and agreed to it. looking at her sleeping in the glow of the lit tree tonight i can't help but think she has the prettiest bedroom of all and she has the best daddy around!

below is a mini video of Cameron discovering the Christmas tree. he just stands in front of it screaming little shreaks of joy, then oooooh(ing) and ahhhhh(ing) at the balls.


Linda said...

they are so sweet! i love how excited they are! the tree is beautiful, I'm with may- i would keep mine up all year if i could!

cassie haw said...

christmas in november is just wrong.


adiaspeer said...

i know i know