May 7, 2005So today Chris started his new job at Ranch Hope. They told him yesterday around 4pm that he'd be working today from 8AM to 11PM...on his first F-
ing day they have him working a 15 hour shift!?!?! It's possible
i'm overly emotional at this point in my life, but this seems a little
irrational of a thing to ask of someone. And they also told him yesterday that they made a mistake and he'll be having Thursdays and Fridays off not Fridays and Saturdays like they originally said. On top of that I won't be able to talk to him at all today because our damn cell phones don't work out there so now
i'm left worrying all day about how his day is going...i don't need this!!!
Cingular here we come! We get the keys to the apt Monday...
yippe :o/
Chris just called (Thank God!) from the rec center. He said things aren't complete shit so that makes me feel better. He also said he could write an entire paper on his
experience so far and it's only been 1/2 of his day. He played ping pong, pool and went fishing (caught two fish and a snake!) The guy he worked with this morning was cool, but he meets his direct supervisor tonight so hopefully he won't be too bad. I can't wait to hear about it all tonight!!!