Tuesday, April 21, 2009

project hatch- day16

our babies are due on Sunday (april 26th) and i have nothing ready in the way of chick care. YIKES! i did try last week. i went to the Tractor Supply Store where i was the only vehicle in the parking lot that wasn't a pick-up truck. maybe i need one. anyway i was completely overwhelmed in there and ended up walking out empty handed.

i will try again today after work because i had a horrible dream about it last night. i dreamt that they started to hatch early and i thought to myself that it will take most of the day for them to get completely out of their eggs so i could run to the store BUT they got out in like 1 hour and i wasn't ready... all 12 made it (although it seemed like there was more than 12) and so i was rushing around trying to get things together but they were so lethargic, sick and finally most of them ended up dying. SO needless to say i'm off to get the supplies today. no more messing around. there are little chick lives at steak here!

they recommend doing fertility tests on the eggs a few times throughout the incubation process. you do this by candling the eggs which is simply placing a strong directed light source under the egg. it's hard to tell in this picture but you can kinda of see the light area on the bottom and the line of dark. the dark is our growing chick. it's really amazing because if you look long enough (but not to long, they need to stay warm) you can see it moving around in there. it's like a little ultrasound.... the mama in me has definitely kicked in! so i've done this a few times but i'm not really sure what i'm looking for. i did find a website that tells me BUT i'm still not entirely certain about what i'm seeing. another problem is that most of our eggs are dark (brown) and my light source isn't all that bright so i just can't see anything at all. i don't want to be responsible for a chick abortion so my plan is to just let them all go to 21 days (maybe a few more days just to be sure) and see who hatches and who doesn't. my only concern is that this website says the bad ones may explode which would put a damper on things... ugh.

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