Thursday, May 28, 2009

project hatch: week 5 (AH)

last night our eleven ten chicks spent there first night in their finished permanent chicken coop! this was also the first night w/o a heat lamp and i'm happy to say that i woke up to all 10 chicks alive and well. last i checked they still hadn't figured out how to get up into their nesting area. i had a inclined board for them to climb up at first but they kept slipping off of it so i made them some make shift stairs to hop up until they are a little bigger. but like i said so far they haven't used it... maybe tonight, i think it'll be much warmer in there than on the ground.

a few of them might be leaving us as soon as this weekend. my friends Cassie & Chris built a chicken coop in their Camden City backyard and are hoping for 4 hens. hopefully their aren't too many roosters in this bunch so we can accommodate everyone. i'll be sad to see them go but i know they'll be in good hands and life will be much easier when we only have 3 chickens to take care of!
for even more pictures of the final product (and everything before that) click here.

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