Tuesday, May 17, 2011

what we are reading

can you tell who's is who's?

I'm sure you can figure it out.

1. Trouble at the Dinosaur Cafe- A library book pick of Cam's that he absolutely loves! we've read it about 369 times in the last few weeks and i'm sure that won't be the last of it. Good thing I love it too!
2. The Good Book- Chris's new find that he just started reading. Thoughts broken down into chapters & verses just like the Bible but w/o all the God/Jesus stuff. 
3. The Magician's Assistant- I'm almost finished this one! A good read but nothing mind blowing (yet)
4. Ivy & Bean: and the ghost that had to go- The second book in the series and May and I are 1/2 way through it. Good thing we borrowed the 3rd one too!

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