Tuesday, July 31, 2012

playing catch up

sooooooo I've been majorly slacking on this blog. I don't want to give it up because it's proved to be a really useful tool when I need to look back on something. I check the blog and if it's important enough it's there! I guess you could say I'm using it as a journal/diary of me & the kids lives these early years.

Anyway, I want/need to get back to this space.

So far I need to rewind and cover these major events of the last few months....

  • Project Hatch #4 results
  • May anniversary trip
  • chicken cat gives birth
  • June birthday trip
  • summer poultry massacre



Becky said...

As someone who got hooked on your blog years ago, I'd love to throw my two cents in and tell you that I really do hope you keep it up. I love seei g what you and the kids (and cats and chickens) are up to and this always seems a little more complete than Facebook. No pressure, but I would miss it if it disappeared completely.

~Beth D. said...

I second what Becky said!