Tuesday, April 29, 2008

new rule

you know the 'new rule' segment of Bill Maher's show (maybe you do, maybe you don't) welp this is my new rule:

everyone MUST blog. this is especially important for those with children. it doesn't have to be fancy but it does have to be updated at least weekly and must include pictures as often as possible. at the very least have a Myspace page. how am i suppose to spy keep tabs on you & your family if you don't blog?

this is the perfect example: i just found out that my friend Beth's son had surgery recently. i have no idea even why... because she doesn't blog. and my cousin Janeen who has three kids ages 1, 2 & 7 is on my mind all the time. i am clueless as to how they are doing and i haven't seen pictures of her kids since Halloween. this could all be avoided if blogging was mandatory. just an idea.


Gina said...

Beth? As in "our Beth"??

I'm convicted. I'll get my butt in gear.

Linda said...

dia, i updated my blog just for you!! you might be the only one who reads it these days! but either way, it's a good thing to do to keep others up to date, so i'm going to follow your new rule. i wonder what mine should be....