Saturday, April 19, 2008

planting day

May and i were digging in the earth again today. this time we did our planting... tomatoes, spinach, zucchini, spaghetti squash & cantaloupe. i simply followed the directions on the back of the little packs i bought. i guess it will take a few weeks before we see any tiny results popping thru the ground. we're suppose to get rain tomorrow so i set out some buckets (i want one)to collect some water for the plants as they prefer rain water over the hose.
in other news Cameron is one sick puppy. his fever is gone but now the coughing and congestion have arrived. he's got this barking cough that must be painful. this is exactly what Mayden had last week so here we go with round two... i guess it's better then having them both sick at the same time. last night it took me 3 hours to get him to sleep. he was so obviously tired yet nothing...NOTHING i tried worked. he did that arching his back thing and screaming bloody murder...what a great combo. finally i forced him to stay in the sling (after many back arching bouts) while i walked the hallway for a 1/2 hour until he finally fell asleep at 10:30. he woke up again at 4am but was pretty easy to get back down. tonight it only took me an hour to get him down, lets just hope he stays down!
in other other news Mayden is driving me absolutely NUTS with pooping... or lack there of. she's been holding it in until she can't possibly hold it in anymore. meanwhile she claims she doesn't need to go potty while OBVIOUSLY she does. every time she has the urge to poop she dances around, whines & cries, demands to be picked up and sometimes screams in pain. this can go on for up to 48 hours with the symptoms getting progressively worse and more frequent. i wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't so disruptive to her (and my) life. it's so seriously ridiculous.

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