on our short trip to visit my grandparents in PA last week (i'll post more about that later) my pop-pop gave me a blender & 2 huge bags of Kale freshly picked from his organic garden! now i have no more excuses...
so i'm on the search for a great "green smoothie" that our family can incorporate into our eating habits. if i can find one that meets all the criteria i think it could be a really easy way to get more healthy.
criteria:must include Kale (or another very dark leafy green)
must include some form of Omega 3 (flax, fish, egg etc)
must be drinkable (this is especially important for the kids)
tonight i made the one in the
video that i posted a few weeks ago.
ingredients- 1 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1-2 tbs flaxseed, pinch of Dulce, 2 cups kale, 20oz water
make- simple recipe, mostly easy to get ingredients and overall very cheap to make, the blueberries probably cost the most. this made over two glasses full so i was able to save some for the next day. not having to make this everyday is a big plus! i did skip the Dulce as i was having a hard time finding it anywhere!
look- it looked completely unappetising but i'm not sure there is any getting around that with these kind of smoothies. greenish purple in color w/ little bits of kale & blueberries floating around. (this could probably be remedied if i had a better ($400) blender like the guy in the video has)
taste- it didn't taste as great as i thought it might. i don't know why i was expecting great taste when it looked like
that. the bits of kale and blueberries made it a little "chewy" and weird to swallow. using a straw & eating something in between sips helped a lot. the glass i saved in the fridge for the next day tasted MUCH better so i think the smoothie being very cold is key. thankfully the banana was good at covering up the kale taste.
kids- i was sure the kids wouldn't go for it. Camo went to bed before i made this so he hasn't tried it yet. i made a point not to ask Mayden to try this (or she would surly say "NO") so i waited until she asked me about it. she did.... she took one sip thru the straw and said she liked it but when i asked her if she wanted more she said no. the next morning she took another sip w/o being asked so i think there might be hope in getting her to drink some daily.
verdict- not bad, probably worth revisiting however i am looking forward to trying others... i think there is better out there!