Friday, March 20, 2009

book #4 of 2009

The Road

for a few years now Chris and i have been going to B&N for Valentine's day and picking out a book for each other. this year we picked two books for each other! this was one of the books he choose for me.

it's really hard to say that this is a great book. it's kind of like saying Schindler's List was a great movie. i mean it was but you never want to watch it again from the sheer agony you go through during the journey. the author's writing style was a bit hard to get into at first. there are absolutely no quotation marks anywhere however the unnamed characters talk to each other frequently. at some points it did seem to drag on a bit and get slightly repetitious but all in all the story was very interesting... in a haunting kind of way!

good news... this book has recently been made into a movie starring Viggo Mortensen.
bad news... i can't imagine this is going to be a pleasant movie. yikes!

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