Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chicken Cat babies, Part 2

At about 6 weeks once they were eating dry food (mostly) we made Cameron's room the "cat room" and brought them inside. I had homes lined up for all of them.... one by one they got picked up! The black one went to a Friend of Jen Wesphal, the male gray one went to a friend of our neighbor Laurie and the female gray one went to Chris' cousin Amanda. 

We were so sad to see them all go. I absolutely loved having the kittens around but they don't stay kittens forever!

Side note: At the same time we brought the kittens inside we had CC fixed. She did well and stayed in our bedroom for a few days after the surgery to recover. We debated keeping her inside but she was clearly wanting to be outside again. Once we lost all of our chickens (another blog post!) she left and we haven't seen her much since :(

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