Sunday, March 9, 2008

survey about your kid(s)

What is your child(ren)'s name?
Mayden Rae & Cameron Jude

How old is your child?
May- 2.5 Cam- 8 months old

Who does your child mainly look like?
both mostly look like their daddy... darn him!

What kind of diapers did you use?
we use Fuzzibunz cloth mostly but for nights and long outtings Whitecloud works best for us

What kind of bottles do you use?
boob & Avent

Did you breastfeed your child?
i tried SOOOO hard, Mayden for 3mo & Cam for 6mo

If you answered no, why not?
like i said i tried. either my babies don't work or my boobs don't work, either way they didn't like eachother

Desribe your child in three words:
Mayden- smart, sensitive, thoughtfull
Cameron- happy, sweet, easy going

Are you still with the father of your child?

How old were you when you got pregnant with your child?
May- 25
Cam- 27

Recent milestone that your child has reached.
Mayden- 99% potty trained!
Cameron- getting close to crawling

Was your pregnancy planned with this child?
planned, maybe not smart...but planned :o)

How has your life changed since having your child?
how has it not changed? that's an easier question to answer

Do you want more kids?
i want more kids, but i don't want them to come from my body... got it?

If yes then how many?

What color eyes does your child have?
May- dark brown
Cam- dark blue... don't ask me how that happened

Do you miss what it is like to not have a child?
sometimes, but mostly no

Do you wish you would have waited to have a child?
sometimes, but mostly no

One thing you wish someone would have told you about having a child?
i don't think anyone can prepare you for what it's like but it would have been good to have a heads up about how hard it is to be on call 24/hr/day and that breastfeeding is often super hard!

Greatest memory of your child?
there are too many... and many more to come!

Was your birth complicated?
totally. both didn't go the way i planned... after many hours of difficult labor i ended up w/ emergency c-sections :o(

Did you get pain medication?
i tried not too but because of the complications i did end up with a spinal with both kids

How long were you in labor?
almost exactly 17 hours with both kids

How did you know you were in labor?
i figured it out after a few hours of contractions... i'm smart like that

Weirdest habit your child has?
May- she makes everything talk, including little people, crayons, food & plastic easter eggs
Cam- he's too small for his habits to be weird, they are still just cute

Favorite toy:
Mayden- she goes thru phases, right now she's into crayons
Cameron- he has this long wooden teething toy that we call "his sword" because he wields it around like a ninja

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