Monday, January 14, 2008


so Chris and i recently viewed the documentaries Paradise Lost 1 & 2. i actually watched them twice because this case is really disturbing to me. the documentaries walk you thru the triple child murders of West Memphis, AK back in 1993. the crime itself is horrific but an almost equal injustice (and much of the focus of the movie) is the conviction of 3 teenage boys who were supposedly in a satanic cult.

the trial is a circus filled with a media fueled frenzy. basically their case against the three boys is a coursed confession & the way they dress. the jury ends up with a guilty verdict and even sentence one of the teens to death. they do this without a single bit of conclusive evidence. if they murdered those boys then of course they are in the right place but i don't understand how can you convict on a capital murder trial with no evidence? worse yet, since the convictions there have been a ton of evidence that these boys did not commit the murders. and that things happened much differently then they first suspected. however the courts are in no hurry to do right so they have been sitting in jail for the last 15 years waiting. visit their website to read it all. it's a very well done and extensive website and will probably take you days to read everything but it's all there. i just don't know how people can be so blind.

there is great theory (one i happen to believe) that a parent of one of the boys is more likely responsible for the murders. but as Damien put it "it's not as scary to believe that blood thirsty satanist were out murdering children then it is to believe that parents were actually murdering their own children."

this is exactly the reason why i am so proud to live in a state that has recently abolished the death penalty. juries do get it wrong. innocent people do go to jail. there are many reasons to do away with capital punishment as an acceptable form of punishment. and because innocent people are sometimes mixed up in all of this is a very good reason. how dare we try to play God.

support the innocence project who are there to help wrongfully convicted people get their sentences overturned.

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