Monday, January 19, 2009

bowling day

our first "family outing" as per my new years resolution was a trip to the bowling ally. we all had a great time however i will remember not to bring a certain curious 18 month old with us next time. he spent most of the time trying to wiggle out of our arms so he could run down the isle after the balls. the temptation just wasn't fair for the poor little guy... so next time he'll spend a nice afternoon at Grandma's house!

Mayden had never been bowling before so she was pretty wide eyed the whole time. each time she rolled the ball down the lane she patiently waited the 7 minutes it took for her ball to reach the pins. only once did we need to get a staff member to rescue our ball :o)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

How on earth do you put pictures on with out them just being in a straight line going down the page. I have alot of issues posting pictures.

Where I work I used to take a group of kindergartners bowling ever now and then when their leader was not there and I have never seen so many ball not make it down the lane. I was very close to the guy who would have to go get them for us, although he might have hated me.