Saturday, January 31, 2009

flashbacks: time for a change?

i'm thinking about getting rid of my myspace because i really don't use it much anymore. but i was recently reading thru all the blogs i posted on there before i started this one. i blogged more than i thought i did so i want to keep them, they are memories after all. i'll start posting them little by little under the title of flashbacks and i'll just cut & paste it on over here including pictures and everything. without delay i give you post #1...

May 03, 2005
I'm thinking about getting a hair-cut...back to the days when I kept it pretty short. I've really been trying not to be one of those pregnant women who cut off all their hair near the end. I never understood why people do that, but now that I’m here I'm thinking it's some sort of chemical imbalance that brings us to want to cut our hair. The truth of the matter is that my hair isn't that great long; I keep thinking (hoping) it will be different this time around but it's always a bit yucky. The thing is that my hair takes so freakin' long to grow back; I mean we're talking years here. We'll see......................

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